Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Precious Fear

This is a piece that I did some time ago. I am not sure why I never posted it, I think I was unsure if it was finished. Looking at it now, it is telling me what I need to know. How fear keeps us from living if we allow ourselves to bear its full weight. That living without it's presence is impossible, but if we can tune into it maybe we can work with it, not against it. Little reminders to move forward to take that step, to sometimes leap without looking. For me that means saying what I mean, not dancing around what the right and wrong words are. It's exhausting trying always to please, trying to never say the wrong thing. Anyway, I digress... Fear often keeps me from my passion. It keeps me out of the studio, and from really pushing myself to my full potential. It has been the reason that my work and books remain only for me and not for others. Either to sell or to teach. I'd like to think I am brave in life and certainly in love, but that passion of mine I keep pretty well guarded. There are big dreams afoot and I know what is standing in the way. I am standing in the way of myself, and at the moment it feels harder and harder to hold that position. Here's to the future, and letting go.


  1. It's not enough to simply have dreams. Your dreams need legs. You have to step out in faith towards the things you want and believe me, the Universe will rise to meet you.

    We can't just be dreamers, we must become DOers. You have unlimited potential but you have to learn to LIVE fiercely!

  2. This is exciting! Let your dreams and your strength be your guides.

  3. Thank you all. It's hard to voice dreams, and even harder to voice that the dream isn't enough to turn into reality. I so appreciate your insight and encouragement!

  4. I would so take your class if you taught!!!!! Think about that..
